1, Why build the Forbidden city in Beijing? Story dates back to the First emperor in Ming dynasty, Zhuyuanzhang, He is originally from a very poor peasant family, When he was 14 years old, all of his parents passed away, So he have to took a tonsure and became a Buddhist monk, at that time, it is Yuan dynasty, the rulers were all from Mongolia, They levy very heave tax on the people in Middle kingdom and treat people badly, In 1355, when Zhuyuanzhang was 25 years old, China suffering from a national wide famine due to natural disaster, In order to survive, people began to uprising, Zhu joined red turban peasant uprising army and later on he was elected as chief leader. in 1368, He took his army to conquer the city of Beijing and announce himself as the first emperor of Ming dynasty, as his hometown is faraway from Beijing, He decided to build his palaces in Nanjing instead of Beijing. As his oldest son died early, Zhuyuanzhang’s throne was succeeded by his first grand son, Zhuyunwen, He was only 20 years old at that time and short of experience in commanding army, He was trying to weaken the […]