Forbidden city construction

Forbidden city construction

Hall of complete harmony, The word complete harmony which indicate “neutralization” means that everything needs to be impartial and just right to make the relationship between the parties to be harmonious. The intention is to promote the “moderation of the mean.” The hall of complete harmony is 19 meters high and has a square shape. On the base of the three halls of supreme harmony, complete harmony and preserving harmony, there is a drain outlet with a dragon’s head shape. When it rains, the drain head sprays water together to form a landscape of “Thousand Dragons Spurts Water”. After the Revolution of 1911, Emperor Qing was still in the harem. Yuan Shikai intends to restore the monarchy and announce himself as the emperor, He change the interior and exterior decoration of the three main palaces and make them as his offices. The Manchurian inscription on the plaque in which the name of the temple was written was removed and the Chinese characters moved to the middle. Two gold four-legged unicorns were placed on the both sides of the throne.Those are mythical animal and no such kind of animal real existed.The Chinese legend shows it can walk 18,000 miles in a […]

Hall of complete harmony

The Hall of the supreme harmony, commonly known as the “Golden Temple”, is located at the prominent position of the north-south axis of the Forbidden city. It has a height of 35. 05 meters and an area of 2,377 square meters. It has a total of 55 rooms and 72 pillars. It is the tallest building in the Forbidden City. It is the largest of the three halls and the tallest building in the Forbidden City. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is also the largest existing wooden structure in China. It is a typical classical building. The interior and exterior structure of the Hall of Supreme Harmony is the crystallization of the ancient wisdom of the Chinese nation. Here, in addition to the singular sculpt, the unique design layout and the fascinating treasures, It’s firmness is also amazing. Since the completion of the Hall, it has suffered many major earthquakes. She still stands proudly like a strong giant and stay unaffected. There is a wide platform in front of the Hall of supreme, commonly known as the moon terrace. On the platform, there are copper sculptures of sundial, grain measure, turtles ,cranes, and dragons. The sundial is an ancient timer, and […]

Hall of supreme harmony