
Hangzhou airport transfer
How to get from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Hangzhou-4 ways The distance from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Hangzhou is about 220 kilometers. How to get to Suzhou from Pudong Airport? Generally speaking, there are three modes of public transport: train, long-distance bus and high-speed railway. You can learn the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of transport, as well as the cost, from the following text information, and choose your own mode according to your own situation. 1,Shanghai Pudong Airport to hangzhou By long distance bus The first way is to take a long-distance bus to Hangzhou. It takes about 3 hours and costs about 100 yuan/person during non-peak hours without traffic jam. The advantage of this way is that it is relatively convenient and does not need to change buses. The disadvantage is that you need to take your luggage and walk to the long-distance bus station. You need to buy tickets by public bus and have some Chinese language skills. There is no Chinese service during the bus ride. The bus is generally comfortable. The specific riding methods are as follows, after you arrive at Shanghai Pudong Airport to pick up your luggage, you can walk to the […]

How to get from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Hangzhou-4 ways