Things to do in wuzhen

Places you can visit in Wuzhen water town.   Wuzhen water town is among the top city in south China. These are ancient towns in southern China. These states have been praised and also known as the land of abundance. The Wuzhen fully conserves the water town style and also the pattern in the Republican period and even in the late Qing Dynasty. The entire Wuzhen water town can be divided into 4 part that is; northern part, southern region, eastern part and also a western part. In these parts, there are many things you can see thus they are the best place to visit. To visit this site, you should know about different places to see. The following are some of the places you can visit in Wuzhen water town. The Ancient Bed Museum: This museum is the first museum that is devoted to many collections and also displays of the antique beds. In this museum, there are many exquisite’s examples of the unique or original style, the oldest dating which is back to the Ming Dynasty. The Folk Customs Museum:  In this museum, it efficiently displays the Wuzhen’s customs concerning birthdays, childbirths, weddings and also seasonal change reflecting […]

Wuzhen water town